Use "mudstone|mudstones" in a sentence

1. Argillite is highly indurated mudstone

2. The Argillaceous rocks (lutites) include shales, argillites, siltstones, and mudstones

3. Argillite differs from mudstone in that it does not have the same fine …

4. Large complete in situ Belemnite in the mudstones of the Wimanfjellet Member at Bohemanflya, MGUH 33341 [ex

5. The flood plain and swamp faces mudstone provided a good cap rock condition for reservoir forming.

6. Along with the increase of deepness , to porosity and permeability, mudstone reduce much more than sandstone.

7. 24 Mudstone is a general term for rocks composed of more than 50 % clay and silt.

8. The flood plain faces and swamp faces mudstone provided a good cap rock condition for reservoir forming.

9. The flood plain faces and swamp faces mudstone provided a good cap rock conditions for reservoir forming.

10. Mud and sand accumulated in this setting to become the gray sandstones and mudstones of the Kaiparowits Formation.

11. 3 The porosity of the lagoonal mudstones is mainly of the intercrystalline type and rarely exceeds 2-3%.

12. Argillite A compact rock derived either from mudstone or shale, that has undergone a somewhat higher degree of induration than mudstone or shale but is less clearly laminated than shale and without its fissility, and that lacks the cleavage distinctive of slate.

13. The two early Carboniferous fragments are composed of Basalt and ash-black, fuchsia radiolaria silicalite, siliceous mudstone, tuff.

14. Bioturbation is common in both mudstones and sandstones, including vertical and horizontal sand-filled burrows, and Bioturbation is evident in some granulestones

15. Alluvial floodplain mudstones of the late Maastrichtian Whitemud Formation of southern Saskatchewan contain abundant vertebrate faecal remains preserved as siderite and Fe-hydroxides.

16. (a) Extraction of the fossil from the fresh exposure of mudstones and (b) detailed photo of the in situ Belemnite with 14.7-cm-long pencil for scale.

17. The Minjur Formation is composed of three lithofacies units characterized by Argillaceous quartzitic sandstones, shales, mudstones, dolomitic and ferruginous limestones with thin coal seams

18. Direct and triaxial shearing tests were carried out for deuterogenic adamic earth, silty clay and completely weathered mudstone, and the experimental results were analyzed.

19. Material which breaks into small centimetre-sized blocks (and is therefore more suitable for aggregate applications) is classified as mudstone and is subject to the tax.

20. It is characterized by a succession of sandstone and mudstone rhythmites that contrast with the coarse alluvial fan deposits of the overlying Bonaventure Formation.

21. The stress relaxation test of saturated silty mudstone under triaxial compression is carried out on the RLJW–2000 rock microcomputer-controlled rheology servo test system by step loading method.

22. The railroad that traveled around 7,834-foot Woodchute Mountain had 186 curves cut through extensive limestone beds and shaly mudstone and was known as the “Crookedness line in the world.”

23. Stretching for around 14 miles (23 km) between Cardiff and Porthcawl, the remarkable layers of these cliffs, situated on the Bristol Channel are a rhythmic decimetre scale repetition of limestone and mudstone formed as a late Triassic desert was inundated by the sea.

24. A А Shales Drangonstone Fault Drangonstone Fault B Limestones Pillow Basalts B Cherts & Shales Cherts & Shales Thinnly bedded shale Layered siltstone and mudstone Crosss-bedded & layered sandstone Figure 3 Cliff Exposures at Dragonstone Photographs of cliff--exposures at Dragonstone.

25. The style of extensional quartz veins changed during deformation and metamorphism of greywacke–mudstones near Yellowknife, with successive types of veins accompanying a progression from steeply plunging, predominantly macroscopic F1, and F2 folds to mesoscopic F3 folds and subvertical S3 axial planar cleavages.

26. The back-shoal area contains peloidal mudstones, algal-archaeocyathan biostromes (Girvanella) and increasingly tidal deposits (clastic and carbonatic) towards the east. (c) Isolated platform, aggraded to sea level, rimmed by slope deposits with slumps and breccia-beds in the southeast and northwest. (d) Isolated, flooded platform; barriers towards the open sea partly broke down. (e) Isolated platform with raised rims and deep interior, often with thick breccia-beds in uppermost parts. (f) Break-down of the platform (late Early Cambrian), marked by nodular limestones and limestoneshale intercalations. (g) Terrigenous clastics cover the former platform.